AG Electrical Technology Co., Ltd
AG Electrical Technology Co., Ltd
This is a story about vision

This is a story about vision

I have heard a lot people talking about EVs vison, but what does it really mean no matter to life itself or the industry of Electric Vehicle. This is relevant to everyone and every single entity. It is all about humanbeings.

When we stand at the top of Mountain, we will have a great vision about the view. If you stand high enough, we will see the skyline of the Earth. That's the oringinal meaning of "Vision". (Please refer to Google Dictionary about explanation of vision)

There is also another meaning about "Vision" especially in Business. That is about capacity to envisage future market trends and plan accordingly. (Refer to wikipedia)


After hundred years of Second Industrial Revolution, oil was important resources applied to automotive industry and other chemical field. In the past few decades of Third Industrial Revolution, Information Technology was invented to facilitate "swap" process no matter it is "information swap" or "business swap". It will have strong impact on every industry including automobile. So we are now standing at the turning point about the EV market despite there are a lot abstacles from vested interest group or technique itself. There are some information about the attitude of Europion Countries by the upper political reason from Cleantechnica titled“8 European Countries & Their EV Policies“. Despite this, we can understand that there are still a lot opportunities in EV market as long as you are a part of industry. As business entity, we must have the ability to plan the future with imagination and wisdom from the beginning, and that's reason why we start our business from EV charging connectors.


The EV storming is brewing from US Tesla to China NIO, and spreading to Europe. The latest news of Tesla is that they have already opened a plant in Shanghai to manufacture Model 3 along with 30% price down for all Tesla products. And China government is stopping subsidies to automobile manufacturers from 2019 and now it is the time to fight in the EV market from all aspects including technique upgrading. More and more people will enter into this market. It is shaping virtuous cycle same as smartphone, the infrastructure of information technology. However, what is the infrastructure of automobile industry? I think everything related to manufacturing is about "infrastructure", and connectors are one of these components.

I believe we will leap forward in EV industry and solve the mile anxious of battery issues in the near future. What we have to confront with is to compete with time only in the universe as human beings.

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