TYPE2-TYPE1 Adaptor Charging Mode3

TYPE2-TYPE1 Adaptor Charging Mode3

Mechanical properties

Mechanical life: no-load plug>10000times

Impact of external force: can afford 1m drop and 2T vehicle run over pressure.

Electrical Performance

The rated current: 16A、32A

The rated voltage: 250V

Insulation resistance: >1000MΩ(DC500V)

Pins temperature rise:<50K

Withstand voltage: 2000V

Contact impedance: 0.5mΩMax

Applied Materials

Shell Material: thermoplastics, flame retardant grade UL94-V0

Pin: Copper alloy, silver

Environmental performance

Operating temperature: -30℃~+50℃

TYPE2-TYPE1 Adaptor Charging Mode3 Features

  • Conform to the provisions and requirements of 62196-2 IEC 2010 SHEET 2-lle.

  • The product assembly conforms to IEC 61851-1 2010 charging mode 3 connection mode B2.

  • Adopt no screw rveting pressure process, beautiful appearance. Hand-held design conforms to the principle of ergonomics, convenient plug and pull.

  • Reliable materials, flame retardant, pressure resistance, abrasion resistance, impact resistance, high oil resistance.

  • Excellent protection performance, IP65 protection level of the plug (working state) high security.

TYPE2-TYPE1 Adaptor Charging Mode3 Parameter


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