AG Electrical Technology Co., Ltd
AG Electrical Technology Co., Ltd
Production Method of EV Charging Cable and EV Charging Socket

Production Method of EV Charging Cable and EV Charging Socket

As the main component of the cable, the EV cable is the carrier of power signal transmission, which plays a huge role in the charging process of electric vehicles. EV cables can be mainly divided into cable materials for charging pile stations and high-voltage cables in vehicles.

1. Background technology

As electric vehicles become more and more popular, customers of electric vehicles (EV) often want their EV to charge faster. Therefore, in the current market, there are various EV charging cables and EV charging sockets for charging EVs. Then we will understand their basic technical implementation elements.

2. Technology realization elements

An electric vehicle charging gun for an electric vehicle may often include: a handle including a handle cover; and an electric vehicle charger plug part, which is usually connected to the handle and configured to be attached to a vehicle charging socket, the socket is usually designed as a polymer-ceramic composite with at least one polymer and at least one ceramic. When designing an EV charging cable, at least one ceramic will be incorporated into the polymer to dissipate heat. At the same time, since ceramic has little or no effect on the electrical conductivity of the plug part, the plug part of the EV charging cable is usually kept as an electrical insulator.

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